Thursday, November 26, 2009


Hospital Bills

Admitted on 6th October 2009 & discharged on 11th October 2009 (6D5N): RM6,934.95 (Mother's bill: RM4,399.95; Baby's bill: RM2,535)
- refund of consultation from Dr. Kuladeva Ratnam (Plastic & Reconstructive Surgent RM405

Total spent: RM6,529.95

Baby re-admitted into Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) on 15th October 2009 & discharged on 17th October 2009 (3D2N): RM1,762.95

Total hospital bills: RM8,292.90

Special remarks:-
Charges by: Dr. Wong Sum Keong (Labor & delivery) RM1,200; Dr. Satber Kaur (Epidural) RM390
Twin bedded room: RM138 per day x 4 days
Baby cot: RM80 per day x 4.5 days
Isolation Room @ NICU: RM250 per day x 2 days

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Baby Heidi's Wardrobe 3

Mummy's choices

This set of Kimono Tops are from Baby Pony. Mummy said it's expensive but daddy insisted to buy for me as I'm my daddy's girl! ;0)

Aren't they cute? I just love those shoes, like a ballerina.

From Aunty Roselind

Mail in from Munich. Courtesy of Mr Willy Ranzinger, daddy's ex-superior.

From Grandma's colleague, Euniece

These are all mine!

My Toys

My 1st friend ~*~ Moo Moo

Muak! Opps, mummy caught me kissing Moo Moo! ;o)

We both 'work' for Kluber

Moon & Star sing me Lullaby before I sleep

My 3rd toy ~*~ Little Giraffe

Little Giraffe is a hand wrist rattle

Full Moon Gifts to Baby Heidi

From Anderson's parents

From Aunty Fong & Aunty Kiew

From Neighbor Wan

From Neighbor Lee

From Mei Yee
From Grandma's colleagues

From Neighbor Keong

From Aunty Kimberly & Uncle Anderson