Monday, September 21, 2009

Combi Stroller TJC-300

We searched high and low for a perfect stroller until we met this 2-way handle stroller. It's ultra light as it weighted only 4.2kg and I can hold up the stroller by one-handed, which mean I can have fun moment with my precious baby at malls without bringing my husband along, ha!

Special thanks to Patrik and Roselind for their contribution.

Baby Heidi's Wardrobe 2

Another Baby Heidi's collection from Philippines by Daddy during businees trip on 15 Sept 09 ;)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Baby Heidi's Wake-Up Song

Sometimes the cute little one dances to this song, how sweet!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Useful Tips

Here are some useful tips I've accumulated from doctors, experts, friends and family members. This section will be constantly updated as time goes by.

1. Do NOT bath with hards or ginger for both mother and newborn - by DR. Ng Kok Chong
2. Do NOT lift heavy things during confinement
3. Black sesame and green papaya are good for mums who are breastfedding their babies
4. Eat ginger averagely during confinement, consume the skin as well for its high fibre

Baby's Check-out Bag

Here are the things I packed for my adorable newborn:-

1. Long sleeved kimono top & long pants - 2 sets
2. Mittens, booties & hat - 1 set
3. Receiving blanket - 1pc
4. Handkerchief - 2pcs

Upon check-up, only a set of top and pants, a set of mittens, booties and hat as well as receiving blanket were used.

Hospital Bag

My hospital bag consists of:-

1. Front-open buttoned shirt - 2pcs
2. Sarong - 2pcs
3. Socks - 3 pairs
4. Nursing bra - 2 pairs
5. Panties - 2 pairs
6. Disposable panties - 3 pairs
7. Slippers - 1 pair
8. Pad - 1pc
9. Toothpaste & tooth brush
10. Baby powder
11. Facial cleanser
12. Comb
13. Lip balm
14. Hand band & hair clips
15. Writing pad & pen

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Books Recommendation

These are good books for reference for different stages: pregnancy, baby's first year as well as some answers to those taboos elderly people told us about.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Baby Heidi's New Wardrobe

Baby Heidi's 1st string-tied long sleeved Kimono tops from Baby Poney. Daddy insisted to buy though Mummy thought they're a bit expensive.

This is Mummy's choice for its soft fabric.

Daddy bought one when he was out stationed.

Daddy just loved the string-tied Kimono top.

Mummy bought this set after marriage.

Anakku is a must-have for its name 'My Child'..

Bedding set: Comforter, pillow and 2 bolsters.

Receiving blanket.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

9 Months and Counting

  • 6th February 2009 - The Test

My period was late and I suspected I might be pregnant. We bought a home kit to test last night and I asked my cute husband if he wants to see the test result together with me before I headed to the bathroom. He smiled and wanted me to tell him instead.

From opening the packaging to finally put a few drops onto the tester, my body was shaking all over. I put down the tester and exit the bathroom and waited for result. The 2 minutes seemed like ages, I returned to the tester and my hands were shaking. I saw 2 faint pink strips which i knew it indicates positive result. However, I double checked again the box and compare the result again and again. Then I started jumping for joy! Oops, I was not supposed to jump!

Quickly I ran downstairs for my husband and announced the good news to him. We were so happy, but mixed emotion of doubting the result. He asked me not to throw away the tester so to check if the result altered after a while. Funny him!

Dear Dear, this is the most wonderful and amazing gift you ever give to me and we shall together cherish it. Thank you so much!

  • 16th February 2009 - 1st Appointment

Finally got an appointment with Dr Wong Sum Keong (Pantai Mediacal Centre KL/Hartamas Women Specialist Clinic). When waiting for our turn, I saw a few mothers to be with their rounded belly and I was so envy. I wondered when mine will be as round and big as theirs.

Dr Wong scanned my womb and I nervously starring into the screen and wished he found my baby in there. Then he smiled and confirmed I’m pregnant and he pointed the embryo to me. She was only 4mm in size and she was so small and she has already had heartbeats. Doc let us hear her strong heartbeats from her tiny heart. Doc announced she is now 6 weeks 1 day (2nd Month) and she looked normal and healthy!

  • 16th March 2009 - Week 10 and 1 Day (3rd Month)

My baby has graduated from embryo to fetus and my belly started to swell. My little baby is now 1.5inch (38mm) and she is growing!! She is only the size of a prune and i have yet to feel her little punches and kicks. I started to take supplements at week 12.

Thanks God that I didn't vomit though morning sickness did present. I didn't really crave for particular kind of food, however I prefer sweet stuff over salty ones, it was so-not-me! 1st trimester came to a close and apparently 2nd trimester is the enjoyable period.

  • 13th April 2009 - Week 14 and 1 Day (4th Month - 2nd Trimester)

From the screen, my cute husband and I saw our naughty baby. She was moving very actively! She jumped from one corner to another in the screen and doc hardly traced her heart and then couldn't hold long enough to listen to her heartbeats. We shake our heads and signed, naughty baby!

We saw her tiny little fingers and doc helped us to count to 5. Out of a sudden, all emotions rushed to me and I wet my eyes. I couldn't believe there's a little life living in me; this is how a mother feels. Baby is now 8.21cm (3.23inch) and doc also taken the measurement of her neck and nostril bone to check abnormalities and my precious baby is a normal one.

I had a blood test for this visit.
  • 18th May 2009 - Week 19 and 1 Day (5th Month)

May - Mother's Day falls in the month of May and while my little baby was still in my womb, she got me a free drink at Tony Roma's as all mothers get to enjoy a free drink when dine-in. Or was it that my big belly got me that drink instead? Ha!

It was the THE question day! I asked doc if he could scan and see the baby's gender. He commented I have a very shy baby as she crossed her legs and closed tightly but he said the baby might be a girl. Immediately I saw my husband smiled. He always loves children and now he knew he's going to have his very own daughter, he'll be more than grateful. Baby is about the size of a large mango, yummy!

I read from book that baby is getting large enough for me to feel my little one's twists, rolls, kicks and punches this month. And soon I might able to feel her yawns and hiccups. How adorable! But when can I feel all those?

  • 1st June 2009 - 1st Kick

While I was still in bed and I was awake by a sharp kick from my baby! This is the first kick I felt! I was startled but I lay still, blinking my eyes and wondered if I was dreaming. I hoped she kicks again but she didn't. I immediately sms my husband telling him his naughty daugther had just kicked me.

  • 4th June 2009 - Week 21 and 4 Days (DS + 4D scan)
We went for the 4D scan together with my in-laws and it was done by another female doc whom i forgot her name. Oops! She also commented my little baby was very shy, she not only crossed and closed her legs, she also hide most of her face with both her hands. We could only view quarter of her face and she has a nose bridge. She must be a beautiful baby when born and a beautiful lady when she grows up and the daddy starts to worry for his daughter now, ha!

Baby weighted 425gram and baby looked healthy. We brought home a disc with my cute little baby's photos.

  • 15th June 2009 - Week 23 and 1 Day (6th Month)

We asked for the baby's gender again and doc said 90% it's a girl, and she one fat baby girl! She has a bigger stomach which is 24 weeks plus.

I think the little one started hiccupping!!!

  • 13th July 2009 - Week 27 and 1 Day

Baby was doing good for the past few weeks.

On18th July, I've attended a forum organised by Mamil Gold at Hilton Hotel KL from 2 to 5pm. which high-tea was served. They served great dessert!

Finally, we've started to buy things for our previous baby. We planned to shop averagely but my husband eyed on those quality things for his daughter. You see, little Heidi, you're so lucky!
  • 7th August 2009 - Week 30 and 5 Days (7th Month - 3rd Trimester)

Baby was 30 weeks and there are 10 more weeks to labor and delivery! I was getting excited and I couldn't wait to see my baby. Baby movements were limited due to space constraint but I still able to feel those jabs and pokes from her elbows and knees. Poor baby, please bear with it for another 10 weeks. Baby weighted 1.82kg.

I had another blood test as I was itchy all over my body and luckily the result came back negative for allergies. I guess my skin got sensitive and the itchiness was unbearable. Thanks for my friends Chee Ning, Wai Ping and Bin Lin for some advices to help me soothing my body.

My dear husband let our sweet little baby listens to songs before we sleep for a few days. At first, baby did't show any response then after 3 days, she responsed by moving tremendously then stopped when the songs ended. So cute!

I've noticed more defined patterns of awake (when she kicks and pokes) and sleeping (quiet) times from my little one. She wakes up every 2 to 3 hours and I guess she would wake up for feeding about 2am plus and so on. There goes my beauty sleep!

On 1st August, my husband accompanied me to attend breastfeeding talk at Fabulous Mom maternity boutique, TTDI from 4 to 6pm. My husband was called for to demonstrate breastfeeing a doll baby. Not bad for a first timer father! Applause!

On 15th August, my husband accompanied me to attend a forum organised by Today Publishing though he can't understand Mandarin. It was held at Boulevard Hotel, Mid-Valley. We didn't get a lucky draw gift, however, by having you, little Heidi, is the greatest gift ever!

We went to Parenthood Expo 2009 on 22nd August and it was held at Mid-Valley Megamall's exhibition hall and bought an orange Combi Stroller, sponsored by Patrik and Roselind.

  • 28th August 2009 - Week 33 and 5 Days (8th Month)

Baby weighted 2.58kg and OMG, she was gaining weight pretty fast and I still have 6 weeks to due. Doc greeted me and commented my delivery would be soon before I sat down. Then he corrected himself as I looked like 38 weeks pregnant! Doc adviced me to cut down my carbohydrate and sweet stuff as baby eats as much as I do.

Baby movements changed, no more sharp kicks due to space constraint. She seemed to roll or squirm like sea waves from left to right and vice versa. Though no more short sharp kicks, but this new pattern gave me another joyful sensation as the movement seemed to last longer.

On 6th September, my naughty baby woke up early and she was squirming actively. Was she signaling me to get wake up and pay attention to her? After i had breakfast, she then again squirming for while. Was she complaining I ate too much and the food took up her space? Then I went to my mum and my brother asked if baby Heidi was awake. I called her and she immediately gave response to me by squirming again. This time more aggressively compare to the morning ones, her Uncle Kyle rolled his eyes and exclaimed his surprise when he saw my stomach 'moving'. This is the wonderful moment carrying a baby. The naughty one was very alert from morning till evening, perhaps today's her hyper-active day. Keep it up, baby!

  • 11th September 2009 - Week 35 and 5 Days

Without failed my husband accompany me to check up again. I thought the cute little one was pounded on weight quite much but to our surprise, she was only 2.66kg, which is 80gram increased. Doc said it was not a good sign that I lost weight. I think I've cut down rice and sweet stuff quite much. Oops! But good news is I don't have to worry about weight anymore for at least 2 more weeks.

Baby's position was occiput posterior, which the naughty one's facing my tummy; doc said the baby's exit might take a little longer. Oh baby, can you please turn your back?

This week, baby had her feet jammed up into my rib cage and it was honestly hurt. And my baby seemed a little fussy tonight. She was either jammed her feet into my rib cage or poked me all over when I slept one-sided. She was all quiet when I slept on my back facing the ceiling but her weight crowding out all my internal organs and caused me shortness of breath. She remained fussy for about 2 hours plus and I didn't really catch a good sleep. Baby, are you eager to come out and see the outside world?

Daddy's going to be overseas next whole week, baby please be good and wait for your daddy to come home before your grand exit to the world.

On 14th September, left me and baby my husband went overseas for about a week. Baby seemed to know her daddy was away, she seemed unsettled. She almost make me pee in the car by kicking vigorously while on our way back from airport.

I can no longer touch her cute little butt since she turned facing up now. So mummy cannot pat her buttock when she's naughty!

My husband came back from overseas on 19th September and he bought 20 pieces of clothings for his darling baby! We've had so many already and he still added more to the collection. Our baby's going to be a model doing fashion show everyday when she is born!

  • 25th September 2009 - Week 37 and 5 Days (9 Months)

Another check-up was due and I'm going to due soon. Doc told us baby was weighted 3.3kg! OMG, how can that be? Maybe I was too worried when baby was only 2.66kg 2 weeks ago and I added a little more rice to my meals so that she could pound on. But look at her, she ate a little too much perhaps! Doc said hopefully I would have my delivery of my previous baby next week as she has already matured and ready to see the outside world.

Baby, are you ready?

My husband and I are counting down, we are wondering when I would have contraction and doc said it's like 'durian runtuh', which can happen anytime. We felt nervous especially me, I always raise my eye brows and look at my husband whenever I felt a little pain. I'm a first timer and what to expect, right baby?

My husband took me everywhere for nice food so frequent and we even tried 3 new recommended places in a day. Tired though but he was afraid I would be dying to go out as I have to stay indoor for at least a month during confinement. So sweet of him!

Now haven't seeing the little one, he always comment she would be very cute and beautiful and he can't wait to play with her. I doubt it when he told me he wouldn't spoiled her. By looking all those things ranging from clothing to toiletries he bought for her, anyone would doubt it too. Ha!

It was only 30th September, baby was only 38 weeks and 3 days, I was already wondering impatiently when my baby will be born since some pregnant friends around me were in labor 2 or 3 weeks before their EDD. I was only 1 week plus away from my EDD and I didn't feel anything unusual about my body changes or baby movements. It started to get me nervous, I felt like this pregnancy is going forever!

  • 3rd October 2009 - Week 38 and 5 Days

My appointment was supposed to be yesterday the 2nd, but it was postponed to 3rd as Dr. Wong has fell sick. Hence we went to Pantai Hospital instead of Dr. Wong's clinic in Hartamas. We got an opportunity to visit the hospital and happily we went.

The hospital looks pleasant and doesn't have the 'hospital' smell which pleased me the most. The staff were helpful and friendly to my surprise as I compared them to the government staff I've visited during early stage of my pregnancy. I was amazed by how the doctors run their business in the premise and the patients queueing for their visit were not lesser than the government ones. Many people rather paying more than visiting the government though!

I told doctor my baby movements lessen these 2 days and doctor gave me a form to monitor baby movement. He also insisted me to do a CTG scan after our touring to the labor room so to ensure my baby would be fine for the next 48 hours. I got panic as I hardly described the pattern of movement as I was confused baby movement with uterus tightening.

The little one weighted 3.55kg this week and doctor claimed she might not be that big based on his experience and I hope he is right. However, my fluid was only 55% compare to the usual 80% and above. Hence doctor suggested me to induced for labor. Doctor told me I was only dilated 1 to 2 cm which only a finger can pass thtough and while checking, he has done something to soft the wall and I may experience some blood show back home. Unless there is an emergency like bleeding or contraction or my water broke, I only admitted on the day of induction.

It was fully booked and I was postponed to the next day to induced for labor. My husband seems pleased as we know on what day our precious baby will be born rahter than panicking during any emergency anywhere outside the hospital.

We then visited the labor room where the CTG scan was carried out. I was put on a bed and strapped with some devices and waited for 45 minutes long. My husband was busy exploring the room as well as the bathroom attacted and he took some pictures with his mobile.

After scan was completed in labor room on 2nd floor Block C, we went down to lobby for payment before proceeding to 4th floor to view the ward and baby nursery room. We also checked out the canteen at lobby before heading out of hospital.

So now all I have to do is wait and in few days time, we will see our beautiful baby Heidi.