Monday, November 2, 2009

Labor & Delivery

  • 6th October 2009 - Week 39 and 2 Days

I was scheduled for induction today. My husband brought me to Plaza Damas in Hartamas just for Roti Canai as he said after this breakfast, my next breakfast outside will be a month later.

We checked in at 8am on 2nd floor labor ward no. 4 and I was put on CTG scan about 8.30am. Meanwhile, my husband was busy exploring the room and taking photos. I looked at the empty baby cot and smiled, my newborn will be on it very soon, she would probably crying very loadly too. Then I was tagged at my left wrist with a plastic label with my name on it and also a smaller one, which my baby will be tagged the same one.

I took a final look at my bloated tummy, I put my hand on it to feel for my baby's movement as

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